一般来说,对于$g$数组转移到$f$数组的有单调性的DP方程$f_i=min\{g_j+cost(j,i)\}$,可以用分治DP的写法达到$O(n\log n)$的复杂度。
void dp(int l,int r,int _l,int _r){ if(l>r)return; int md=l+r>>1,u=_l;LL mx=1e18; for(int i=_l;i<=_r;i++) if(f[i]+sqr(s[md]-s[i]-L)<mx) mx=f[i]+sqr(s[md]-s[i]-L),u=i; if(mx<f[md])f[md]=mx,to[md]=u,dp(l,md-1,_l,u); dp(md+1,r,u,_r); } void lbn_fast_dp(int l,int r){ if(l==r)return; int md=l+r>>1; lbn_fast_dp(l,md); dp(md+1,r,max(l,to[md]),md); lbn_fast_dp(md+1,r); }
2019年5月27日 18:22
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2019年5月31日 18:03
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2021年9月02日 15:29
The position of child-rearing involves managing lots involving mess. Moms (specially housewives) are generally mostly in the heart of messy work opportunities. Sometimes these are found wiping his or her sticky fingers and also other times these are sorting by way of mental discord. For these people, the quality of calmness for quite a while tends to get painfully incredibly elusive. For these people, standard home cleaning services are generally nothing below a bonus. The moods involving moms are actually observed to switch for better, once his or her household cleanup work finishes.
2022年8月02日 16:47
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2024年1月30日 21:50
Have a family to provide for aside from nurturing the impaired or older person? Will you miss having free time to by yourself? Are people weary of taking care of every time? If you will be considering enlisting assistance from cleaning maids, you've taken the 1st step to lessening your heap by doing little exploration.